27.05.99 |
Speaker: Elder Teng Chuan Wan Topic: God’s Abiding Presence
In our society today, we often hear and receive warnings. Today, I want to share something that can warm our hearts.
Our interaction with people is often centred around warnings so much so that we neglect whose who need our encouragement. This is especially true in the schools. Yes, we need those who give warning, but we also need those who do the bandaging and the encouraging.
We in the church must be reminded of God’s goodness, especially His promise to us : " I will never leave you nor forsake you."
This promise of God’s Abiding Presence is often quoted and claimed in our lives, especially when we are alone, in need or in distress. BUT what is the context of this promise?
Gen. 28:15 God’s promise to Jacob when he was running away;
Deut. 31: 6 God’s promise to Moses when he realised that he would not cross over into the promised land.
Jos. 1: 5 God’s promise to Joshua when he was going to take over the leadership from Moses.
Isa. 41: 10-17 God’s promise to Isaiah for times of distress and difficulty.
Mt. 28: 20 God’s promise to his disciples when they are embarking on a ministry.
The promise to us is very clear. The promise to us is very certain. The promise to us is very comforting. There is no doubt, there is no "ifs & buts". Therefore, we can lift up our hearts and thank him.
What then should be our response in the light of this great promise?
We should live a life of contentment, confidence and calmness.
Man is ever in the rat race. We want more and more. We are often in a vicious cycle: seeking and yet not satisfied. We want, we get and then we want more. We must realise that having God is having everything. Often, our discontentment has a way of causing us to do things that do not count for eternity. Lack of contentment is often expressed in grumblings and chasing after things that do not last. With contentment, we will find time to do those things that count for eternity. How wonderful if we could say. "I have gained heaven and hence my life is for others that they too might gain heaven." It is a tragedy indeed if at the end of our lives, we have missed out on doing those things that last for eternity.
We can have confidence even in the midst of distress. We can have confidence even in the midst of fear that others are opposing us. This is because God knows our every need and He is on our side. We must appropriate our position in Christ. This confidence is expressed in a lifestyle of surrender, practising the presence of God in our everyday lives. When people talk bad about us, accuse or misunderstand us, we can get out of the situation and we don’t have to dwell on it or react to it. We can just rest in the knowledge that our God’s Abiding Presence is with us.
Man experiences fear at every corner. The fear of the future, the fear of the past and of course, the fear of the present. One of the greatest fear is the fear of helplessness and loneliness. We can experience calmness when that fear is driven away. The Lord is our helper, we need not fear. God’s presence is real, even in situations when things seem to be stressful and disturbing.
Know that our wealth is in Christ. The comfort of His presence comes through the practise of acknowledging his sovereignity. There must be a humility to accept that God does intervene in our lives. God is able and will do according to His promise.