Speaker: Rev. Wong Fong Yang Topic: Transformed Perspective of Trials Text: James 1: 1-12


We know that some among us have lately been taken ill and others are going through difficult times.

A brother recently was told that he was suffering from multiply myeloma and he was literally stunned. It is a constant struggle and there were many questions in his mind. His faith in God was severely tested.

Another brother had a sudden attack by a mysterious bacteria which affected his lungs, heart and liver. Doctors gave him a very bad prognosis. He had a ‘near-death’ experience. His faith too was tested to the limit.

How do we know when trials will come our way? How do we respond when these trials come? How can we be sure that our faith will stand the test in the crucible of trials?

Our perpestive of trials is crucial and therefore we need to prepare ourselves. Trials can either make us or break us. James had this in mind when he wrote to the Christians in his time. They were going through hardships and trials just like we are now.

There are 3 things to note:

  1. A Right Attitude towards trials.
  2. What is the right attitude? James says, " Count it all joy...". We are to treat it as an occasion for joy. Can we really develop an attitude of joy in the midst of trials and difficulty? It is never easy. James invites us to wrestle with the paradox: Rejoice in Suffering. It is easy and natural to be angry, leading to bitterness and self-pity; even at times to give up. But James offers us reasons to persuade our minds. Trials have a purifying quality and there are definite benefits. Trials develop our perseverence and endurance. It helps us to mature and grow up. We will become complete/wholesome. Our faith and conduct is in sync. A right attitude towards trials can only benefit us.

  3. A Right Approach to trials.
  4. We are not without help when we face trials and difficulties. We are not alone. We can connect to the source of great help and that is God himself. We need wisdom from God, not just knowledge and information and therefore, we should seek him. Wisdom provides us with a clear view of the whole situation. The example of a lady called Maria. She was in a Nazi Concentration Camp and she faced torture and horror. It would have been normal for her to despair, but she saw through the eyes of God the opportunity to shine for him. God’s definition of ‘good’ might be different from ours. A second example is that of a lady diagnosed as having breast cancer. For her, things took on a new perspective. What seemed important became least important and her priorities were reordered. We therefore need to ask God for wisdom to understand the trials, to cope with it and finally to overcome it.

  5. A Right Perspective.

Trials are not without meaning. There is a purpose. A rich reward await those who overcome trials. Gold is tested by fire and man too goes through the furnace of trials. When we go through these trials, the dross gets burnt off. The character of a man is often forged through the furnace of trials and tribulation.


A right attitude helps us to understand the trials we go through. A right approach leads us to God Almighty. A right perspective motivates us and encourages us as we go through the trials. Trials may be painful, but without them, character cannot be forged. A rich reward awaits us at the end of our trials.